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Faith Formation Office

Faith Formation Mission Statement

The mission of the Religious Formation is assisting the parents in their communication of faith and knowledge of our Catholic tradition to their children, and to provide a  Christian environment to our youngsters with Christ as the center and the continued support of family and community.


Our goal is to inspire these youngsters to live a Christian life, to participate in community  celebrations and to develop a deep relationship with God in action as well as in words.

Our program is set up for children from first grade to High School.  Within those years of preparation we are able to offer the children the reception of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation).

We follow the guidelines of the U S Bishops.  We will always try to accommodate customs and traditions observing the teachings of our bishops and our American identity.

Parental Responsibility

Parents are the first catechists of the child and their involvement is indispensable.  The education is provided by dedicated volunteers called catechists that not only educate from the textbook perspective but they also share their catholic faith by word and example and their experience in their ongoing relationship with God.

During the years of formation, parents are responsible for seeing that their children attend Sunday Mass, make sure that their child attends class and assist and supervises the completion of weekly homework assignments.

Parents should contact the Faith Formation Office if they need any assistance fulfilling this responsibility.

Faith Formation Office Responsibility

Through Scripture, prayer and appropriate curriculum, our catechists teach the Catholic Doctrine  necessary for the children to become good, practicing Catholics.  We also offer support and enrichment to family spiritual life.

The program consists of two parts:

-Academic: We use workbooks approved by the  Bishops, read the Scriptures and learn the commandments, beatitudes and precepts.  The children are introduce to Jesus and learn the doctrine and the teachings of the Church.

-Practice:   The every day life.  How do we follow Jesus once we know about Him?.  How we apply the  teachings of the Church to our daily life?… and how this action affects the individual as well as  families and society in general?…

Reception of Sacraments

We follow the guidelines of the Brooklyn Diocese. 

The parents are the first catechists and source of example for their children, their participation and  involvement will make each of these sacramental experiences more memorable for both the child and parent.


  • Until age 7 the baptisms will be treated as infant baptisms, the parents should contact the rectory and make arrangements at  (718) 278-3337.

  • For children 7 years old, they will need to be instructed for some before the sacrament of Baptism, and before the year end the child should be baptized. The following year of catechesis should prepare the chils for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.

  • For children 8 years old or older, they will enter into the process call RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) adapted for children.  It is a 3 year process, and the sacraments will be received        together at the Easter Vigil.


First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion 

At the earliest in second level at age 7 or any age thereafter  having completed a minimum of 2 years of instruction.   All children are required to be prepared and celebrated their First Reconciliation  (Confessions) before receiving First Holy Communion (Eucharist).    Students and parents are required to attend parent meetings and events, dates will be given out at the first parent meeting.

After First Communion the child should attend classes every year as in regular school.



Confirmation –  is a sacrament that require preparation, knowledge and readiness of the youngster.  Depending of age if the youngster has not received First Communion and

Reconciliation, then First Communion will be celebrated during the Confirmation Mass.


RCIA adapted for children  

For older children that have not been baptized, and wish to enter into the Catholic Church.   This is a journey to discover God, a series of sessions, prayers,   Scripture readings and shared faith culminating with the full   initiation (all three sacraments) at the Easter Vigil.

Office of Faith Formation

Director: Nada Bernic

tel. 347-834-0083

Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10 am - 5 pm

Office hours in July:  Monday through Friday from 10 to 4 PM or by appointment.   

The Diocese of Brooklyn requires that children receive Religious Formation every year.

Youngsters need to be registered to be placed in class.

Fee:  For one child $80.00 , $50 more for each additional sibling.

The office will be closed during the month of August  and reopen in September.

Most Precious Blood
Roman Catholic Church

718 278 4354

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