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Most Precious Blood


Our Church is open every day 7 am - 10:30 pm & all are welcome

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood.
Do this, as often as you drink it,
in remembrance of me”  

[1 Corinthians 11:23-25]

We are a people of diverse cultures, called to proclaim and live the gospel by worship, evangelization and fostering a community of service in vibrant Long Island City. 

We look forward to seeing you!

mass schedule


8:00 am English

9:30 am Spanish

11:00 am Croatian 

12:30 pm English

5:00 pm English/Tagalog 


8:30 am English

12:15 pm English


8:30 am English

5:30 pm English

Suspended until further notice

sacraments & devotions


Saturdays 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


After weekday masses


Weekdays 7:30 am - 8:30 am

First Fridays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Suspended until further notice

Upcoming Events



7:00 PM 


7:45 PM

MPB Main Church

Suspended until further notice

Important Update

Dear Parish Community of Most Precious Blood,

I am sad to announce how all the Catholic Churches of the Diocese of Brooklyn and their Rectories have been mandated to close. During these difficult times we are called to take seriously the call to maintain social distance and, in that way, help the many in our Parish Community and City that could be vulnerable to this deadly virus.

Unfortunately, all funeral masses, weddings and baptisms will be postponed until further notice, as also any parish encounters and confessions. We are permitted to distribute the sacraments only to those who are in dire need.

Let us stay together in prayer, asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother in this time of distress. We will start streaming our masses, so please stay in virtual contact with us through our parish website: 

or through social media: Facebook, click on the Facebook icon: 

We’ll post articles and God willing enable streamed masses.

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Novena Prayer for an End to the Coronavirus Pandemic

O Mary, full of grace, Patroness of this nation and Mother of the Church, in this time of illness and worldwide need we seek your intercession for the human family before your Son’s throne of grace and mercy. We ask for strength in adversity, health in weakness, and comfort in sorrow.

Help us, O Blessed Mother, to be filled with confidence and trust in the tender compassion of our God. Let us not be afraid, like our own Saint Marianne Cope, who entrusted her life and ministry among the outcasts of society into the care of our Divine Physician.

Continue to watch over all who are sick as well as those who care for them and give wisdom to all who are seeking a cure.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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